Saturday, March 24, 2012

DTN News: Israeli Anti-War Protesters Demonstrate Against Israeli Military Attack On Iran

DTN News: Israeli Anti-War Protesters Demonstrate Against Israeli Military Attack On Iran

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 24, 2012: People demonstrate against a possible Israeli military attack and war with Iran on March 24, 2012 in Tel Aviv, Israel. 

As the balance between war and diplomacy continually teeters, Israel's leaders are afraid that a nuclear-armed Iran is an existential threat and if negotiation efforts fail, Israel could strike this year.

DTN News: Israeli Protesters Demonstrate Against Israeli Military Attack On Tehran

DTN News: Israeli Protesters Demonstrate Against Israeli Military Attack On Tehran

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 24, 2012: Israeli anti-war protesters march with signs during a demonstration opposing military action against Iran in Tel Aviv on March 24, 2012.

Israel, like the United States, has refused to rule out military action against Tehran, fearing that its uranium enrichment program masks a drive to build a nuclear bomb. 

Iran denies the charges, insisting its program is aimed at producing energy and other peaceful purposes.

DTN News: Israeli Demonstrate Against Israeli Military Attack On Iran

DTN News: Israeli Demonstrate Against Israeli Military Attack On Iran

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 24, 2012: People demonstrate against a possible Israeli military attack and war with Iran on March 24, 2012 in Tel Aviv, Israel. 

As the balance between war and diplomacy continually teeters, Israel's leaders are afraid that a nuclear-armed Iran is an existential threat and if negotiation efforts fail, Israel could strike this year.

Quotes of The Day ~ March 24, 2012

Quotes of The Day ~ March 24, 2012

We don't receive wisdom; 

we must discover it for ourselves 

after a journey that no one 

can take for us or spare us.

Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922) 

Presented & compiled By Quotes of the Day for DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News

DTN News - RUSSIA DEFENSE NEWS: Sukhoi Su-30SM ~ An Indian Gift To Russia’s Air Force

DTN News - RUSSIA DEFENSE NEWS: Sukhoi Su-30SM ~ An Indian Gift To Russia’s Air Force

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 24, 2012: Russia’s Defense Ministry has ordered 30 heavy Sukhoi Su-30SM fighter planes. Given that the same model has been exported to India for more than 10 years, this choice seems both logical and pragmatic.

Thirty 30’s
The Defense Ministry and the Irkut Corporation, an affiliate of the United Aircraft Corporation, have signed a supply contract for 30 Su-30SM multirole fighter aircraft, a Defense Ministry spokesman told journalists Thursday, March 22. “Under the contract, Irkut Corporation will build for Russia’s Ministry of Defense 30 planes of this type by 2015,” he said.

Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources Ria Novosti

DTN News - ISRAELI DEFENSE NEWS: The Israeli Red Flag

DTN News - ISRAELI DEFENSE NEWS: The Israeli Red Flag

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 24, 2012: For the third time in the last six months the Israeli Air Force has hosted foreign fighter pilots for tactical training. Israeli fighter pilots are considered the best trained in the world, and Israel maintains a special training program, complete with pilots trained and equipped to operate as likely foes would, to train their own pilots. The latest nation to send fighters and pilots for training is Poland, flying F-16s in for that purpose. Previously, Italy had sent Typhoons and Tornados and Greece F-16s.

The Israeli training center is based on the one pioneered by the U.S. Air Force Red Flag program and the U.S. Navy's Top Gun training. Using American aircraft for "aggressor (or dissimilar) training" began in the 1960s. The original "Top Gun" fighter pilot school was established in 1969, by the U.S. Navy, in response to the poor performance of its pilots against North Vietnamese pilots flying Russian fighters. What made the Top Gun operation different was that the training emphasized how the enemy aircraft and pilots operated. This was called "dissimilar training". In the past, American pilots practiced against American pilots, with everyone flying American aircraft and using American tactics. It worked in World War II because the enemy pilots were not getting a lot of practice and were using similar aircraft and tactics anyway. Most importantly, there was a lot of aerial combat going on, providing ample opportunity for on-the-job training. Not so in Vietnam, where the quite different Russian-trained North Vietnamese were giving U.S. aviators an awful time. The four week Top Gun program solved the problem. The air force followed shortly with its Red Flag school.

Over the last 40 years the two training programs have developed differently, and the entire concept of "dissimilar training" has changed. The navy kept Top Gun as a program to hone a fighter pilot's combat skills. The air force made their Red Flag program more elaborate, bringing in the many different types of aircraft involved in combat missions (especially electronic warfare). But after the Cold War ended it became increasingly obvious that none of America's potential enemies was providing their fighter pilots with much training at all.

Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources Strategy Page

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: India’s Military Inferiority Complex

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: India’s Military Inferiority Complex

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 24, 2012: Modern India is economically and strategically buoyant, and has every reason to feel confident as the 21st century progresses. So it’s strange to think that this same confident place is developing an inferiority complex over China’s military power.

Never mind that New Delhi just announced a hefty 13 percent defense budget increase for 2012-13, or that the country is now the world’s biggest importer of military systems. Most Indian commentators seem to have digested these two pieces of news by focusing on the downside: that the country’s $39 billion defense budget remains quite modest compared with the $106 billion military budget at China’s disposal.

The critics should bear two things in mind before giving into defense budget envy. First, a 13 percent increase is actually very generous in the context of an Indian economy that’s only expected to grow by7.6 percent in the coming year. Larger increases aren’t only unaffordable but also strategically untenable, as they would alarm neighboring countries.

*Indian officials are preoccupied by China’s growing military power. They would do better to fix their own incoherent defense establishment.
Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Trefor Moss - The Diplomat

BHGSG News: Priyanka Chopra At L'Oreal Paris Femina Women Awards 2012

BHGSG News:  Priyanka Chopra At  L'Oreal Paris Femina Women Awards 2012 

Indian Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra attends the L'Oreal Paris Femina Women Awards 2012 in Mumbai on March 22, 2012.  (Photo - Getty)

*Presented & compiled By BHGSG News for DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News

Friday, March 23, 2012

DTN News - MALI DEFENSE NEWS: Military Junta Declares Coup In Mali, Raising Fears And Prompting Uncertainty In The Region

DTN News - MALI DEFENSE NEWS: Military Junta Declares Coup In Mali, Raising Fears And Prompting Uncertainty In The Region

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 23, 2012: Soldiers secure the area around the presidential palace after a military coup in Bamako, Mali Friday March 23, 2012. 

The whereabouts of Mali's president Amadou Toumani Toure is unknown Friday, a day after mutinous soldiers declared a coup, raising fears and prompting uncertainty in a West African nation that had been one of the region's few established democracies. (Photo - AP)

DTN News - YEMEN UNREST: Soldiers Defected To Anti-Government Side And Join Rally To Demand Prosecution Of Former President Ali Abdullah Saleh

DTN News - YEMEN UNREST: Soldiers Defected To Anti-Government Side And Join Rally To Demand Prosecution Of Former President Ali Abdullah Saleh

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 23, 2012: A defected army soldier backing anti-government protesters pray on the bonnet of a military vehicle as they secure a street, where a rally to demand the prosecution of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in Sanaa March 23, 2012.      (Photo - Reuters)

DTN News - ISRAELI DEFENSE NEWS: Palestinian Protesters After Throwing Stones Towards Israeli Soldiers, Run Away From Israeli Military Vehicle Spraying Foul Smelling Water

DTN News - ISRAELI DEFENSE NEWS: Palestinian Protesters After Throwing Stones Towards Israeli Soldiers, Run Away From Israeli Military Vehicle Spraying Foul Smelling Water

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 23, 2012: Palestinian protesters run away from a Israeli military vehicle spraying foul smelling water during clashes at a demonstration against the closure of a road for Palestinians in the West Bank village of Kfar Kadum, near Nablus March 23, 2012.   (Photo - Reuters)

DTN News - CORRUPTION AS A BARRIER TO INDIAN PROGRESS: Indian PM Faces Heat Over Lost $211 Billion By Selling Coalfieds Too Cheaply To Firms

DTN News - CORRUPTION AS A BARRIER TO INDIAN PROGRESS: Indian PM Faces Heat Over Lost $211 Billion By Selling Coalfieds Too Cheaply To Firms

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 23, 2012: Opposition legislators have staged noisy demonstrations in the Indian parliament after a draft report from a government auditor said the country had lost up to $211b in revenue from selling coalfields too cheaply.

(Read full article at Defense-Technology News - Link: 

Thursday's uproar added to pressure on Manmohan Singh, the prime minister, after months of scandals and policy missteps.

The prime minister's office called the estimated loss "exceedingly misleading," after the report - leaked from the federal auditor and published in the Times of India newspaper - prompted calls for an explanation and rattled investors.

The leaked draft from the Comptroller and Auditor General's (CAG) office criticised the allocation of 155 coalfields to about 100 private and some state-run firms between 2004 and 2009, questioning why they were not auctioned off to the highest bidder.

The firms mentioned include a subsidiary of the world's largest steel maker, Arcelor Mittal, whose shares were trading down 3.2 per cent in Amsterdam.

"This is the mother of all scams," said Venkaiah Naidu, a senior leader in the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party."The prime minister should reply," he said.

Quotes of The Day ~ March 23, 2012

Quotes of The Day ~ March 23, 2012

                                        HEARTLIGHT   ASCENSION
                                          From the Cosmic Kitchen

Each thought we think, each word we speak or write, has a life of its own.

This life force enters our entire being immediately and creates ripples in each cell. 

The oxygen levels within, expand or constrict, bringing in peace and ease or turmoil and disease.

Be still. Stillness speaks!

God bless and immense joy!
Jyotirma Gulrukh

Presented & compiled By Quotes of the Day for DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News

Thursday, March 22, 2012

DTN News - MALI DEFENSE NEWS: Military Junta Declares Coup In Mali - Soldier Participating In Mutiny

DTN News - MALI DEFENSE NEWS: Military Junta Declares Coup In Mali - Soldier Participating In Mutiny

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 22, 2012: A soldier participating in a mutiny stands near civilians and burning tires lit in support of the mutiny, in Bamako, Mali Wednesday March 21, 2012. 

Gunshots could still be heard in the Malian capital late Wednesday, hours after angry troops started a mutiny at a military base near the presidential palace.

 Soldiers stormed the offices of the state broadcaster, yanking both TV and radio off the air. 
(Photo - AP) 

DTN News - MALI DEFENSE NEWS: Military Junta Declares Coup In Mali - Civilians Cheer Mutinous Soldiers

 DTN News - MALI DEFENSE NEWS: Military Junta Declares Coup In Mali - Civilians Cheer Mutinous Soldiers 

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 22, 2012: Civilians cheer as mutinous soldiers drive past in Bamako, Mali Wednesday March 21, 2012.

Gunshots could still be heard in the Malian capital late Wednesday, hours after angry troops started a mutiny at a military base near the presidential palace. 

Soldiers stormed the offices of the state broadcaster, yanking both TV and radio off the air.
 (Photo - AP) 

DTN News - TOULOUSE SIEGE: French Intelligence Under Fire Over Mohamed Merah - Killed

DTN News - TOULOUSE SIEGE: French Intelligence Under Fire Over Mohamed Merah - Killed

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 22, 2012: The French government went on the defensive Thursday amid questions over why its intelligence service had failed to deal with petty criminal turned alleged jihadist serial killer Mohamed Merah. Self-confessed Al-Qaida militant Merah, 23, died in a police assault on his flat Thursday, but he was tracked down after murdering seven people, including three Jewish children and three soldiers, in a series of attacks.

For full and comprehensive coverage of Toulouse siege, visit Defense-Technology News ~

DTN News - PHILIPPINE DEFENSE NEWS: Philippine Defence Secretary Voltaire Gazmin Inspects Troops In Taguig City, South Of Manila

DTN News - PHILIPPINE DEFENSE NEWS: Philippine Defence Secretary Voltaire Gazmin Inspects Troops In Taguig City, South Of Manila

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 22, 2012: Philippine Defence Secretary Voltaire Gazmin (C) inspects troops during the 115th Philippine Army Day, while arriving at military headquarters in Taguig city, south of Manila March 22, 2012. 

Gazmin said the Philippines will ask for U.S. assistance in tracking down the path of North Korea's planned rocket launch and ask Pyongyang to heed warning from U.S. and Japan to stop the launch to avoid tension in the region.

Quotes of The Day ~ Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine

Quotes of The Day ~ Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
Lord Byron
English poet & satirist (1788 - 1824)

Presented & compiled By Quotes of the Day for DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BHGSG News: Priyanka Chopra Titled Big CBS Love’s India’s Glam Diva

BHGSG News:  Priyanka Chopra Titled Big CBS Love’s India’s Glam Diva

Indian Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra attends a press conference during which she was titled Big CBS Love’s India’s Glam Diva in Mumbai on March 20, 2012. (Photo - Getty)

BHGSG News: The Muppets In Hollywood

BHGSG News: The Muppets In Hollywood            

BHGSG News - TORONTO, Canada March 21, 2012; The Muppets attend a ceremony for the unveiling of their Star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame in front of the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood on March 20, 2012 in California. 

Since 'The Muppet Show' began in 1976, they have been embraced by audiences worldwide and several Muppets were on hand for the ceremony including Kermit the frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Animal, Pepe, Sweetums and the newest Muppet, Walter.

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: Pakistan Seeks End To Drones

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: Pakistan Seeks End To Drones

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 21, 2012: A Pakistan parliamentary commission called for the U.S. to end drone strikes on its territory and to formally apologize for killing 24 Pakistani soldiers in November.

The demands were made as part of a debate in Parliament Tuesday over how the country should pursue relations with the U.S. in the wake of public anger over the unintentional killing of the Pakistan soldiers by firing from U.S. helicopters.

Pakistan's government retaliated last year by stopping the North Atlantic Treaty Organization from using its territory to provision troops in Afghanistan, forcing NATO to route more of its equipment and other supplies through Central Asia.

Islamabad said it wouldn't reopen the supply routes until Parliament had a chance to re-evaluate the country's relations with the U.S. High-level military and civilian visits to Pakistan by U.S. officials have been suspended in recent months until Parliament can conclude its debate, which has been delayed many times.

White House and State Department officials said they were awaiting the full parliamentary process before responding to requests for an apology. Washington is waiting to hear from the Pakistani government about how they would like to move forward, White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

Although U.S. officials say much routine business, including civilian aid projects and lower-level military contacts, has continued unaffected, the tensions have destabilized bilateral relations at a time when the U.S. was hoping Pakistan could play a role in helping develop peace talks with the Afghan Taliban.

The level of public anger in Pakistan toward the U.S. has been rising. Many Pakistanis oppose drone strikes against Taliban militants, which they believe kill large numbers of civilians.
U.S. officials deny sizable civilian casualties, and the Pakistan military says it has shared intelligence occasionally on strike targets.

The NATO raid in November along the Afghan border that killed the Pakistani soldiers sent relations to a new low. The Obama administration's failure to apologize, despite calls from the U.S. State Department to do so, further aggravated the strained relationship.

DTN News - AGILE SPIRIT 2012: US-Georgia Joint Military Exercise Near Tbilisi ~ Image #3

DTN News -  AGILE SPIRIT 2012: US-Georgia Joint Military Exercise Near Tbilisi ~ Image #3

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 21, 2012: A Georgian soldier fires a rifle, right, as a US soldier covers his ears during the US - Georgian military training at the Vaziani military base at the outskirts of Tbilisi on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. 

The drills that started March 10 are focused on counter-insurgency training.

DTN News - AGILE SPIRIT 2012: US-Georgia Joint Military Exercise Near Tbilisi ~ Image #2

DTN News -  AGILE SPIRIT 2012: US-Georgia Joint Military Exercise Near Tbilisi ~ Image #2

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 21, 2012: Servicemen take part in Agile Spirit 2012, a joint US-Georgia military exercise, at Vaziani military base near Tbilisi March 20, 2012.

DTN News - AGILE SPIRIT 2012: US-Georgia Joint Military Exercise Near Tbilisi ~ Image #1

DTN News -  AGILE SPIRIT 2012: US-Georgia Joint Military Exercise Near Tbilisi ~ Image #1

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 21, 2012: Servicemen take part in Agile Spirit 2012, a joint US-Georgia military exercise, at Vaziani military base near Tbilisi March 20, 2012.

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: Afghan Celebrates Persian New Year Nowruz At Kart-e-Sakhi Shrine In Kabul, Afghanistan

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: Afghan Celebrates Persian New Year Nowruz At Kart-e-Sakhi Shrine In Kabul, Afghanistan

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 21, 2012: An Afghan military helicopter flies over the crowd gathered for a celebration of the Persian New Year Nowruz at the Kart-e-Sakhi shrine in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, March 20, 2012. 

Nowruz, the Farsi-language word for "new year," is an ancient Persian festival, celebrated on the first day of spring in countries including Afghanistan and Iran

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

BHGSG News: Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit-Nene unveils her new wax figure at Madame Tussauds, on March 7, 2012 in London, England

BHGSG News: Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit-Nene unveils her new wax figure at Madame Tussauds, on March 7, 2012 in London, England

BHGSG News: Sunny Leone attend the 'Global Indian Film and TV Honours Awards 2012' in Mumbai on March 15, 2012.

BHGSG News: Sunny Leone attend the 'Global Indian Film and TV Honours Awards 2012' in Mumbai on March 15, 2012.

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: U.S. DoD Awarded Walbridge Aldinger Co., Detroit Contract Of Gearbox Repair And Details As Stated For H-1Y/Z Helicopters

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: U.S. DoD Awarded Walbridge Aldinger Co., Detroit Contract Of Gearbox Repair And Details As Stated For H-1Y/Z Helicopters

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 20, 2012:  Walbridge Aldinger Co., Detroit, Mich., is being awarded $11,515,000 for firm-fixed-price task order 0003 under a previously awarded multiple award construction contract (N40085-10-D-5331) for construction of an H-1Y/Z helicopter gearbox repair and test facility at Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point.  

This single-story high bay building facility will include a disassembly area, parts kitting area, production/control clean parts area, assembly area for the main rotor gearbox, assembly area for the immediate and tailor rotor gearboxes, flushing room and integrated quality team area, main rotor gearbox test cell and intermediate/tail rotor gearbox test cell.  

The task order also contains one unexercised option, which, if exercised, would increase cumulative task order value to $12,005,506.  Work will be performed in Havelock, N.C., and is expected to be completed by August 2013.  

Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  Five proposals were received for this task order.  

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Mid-Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is the contracting activity. 

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: U.S. DoD Awarded Contract To Rockwell Collins, Inc., Cedar Rapids, For Modification On MH-60s Helicopters

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: U.S. DoD Awarded Contract To Rockwell Collins, Inc., Cedar Rapids,  For Modification On MH-60s  Helicopters

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 20, 2012: Rockwell Collins, Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is being awarded a $6,505,448 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-09-C-0069) to exercise an option to provide AN/ARC-210(V) electronic radio and ancillary equipment for the MH-60 aircraft.  

The modification provides for the following quantities:  48 RT-1990(C)/ARC receiver-transmitters for MH-60R and 28 RT-1990(C)/ARC receiver-transmitters for MH-60S.  The work will be performed in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and is expected to be completed in September 2013.  

Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.

DTN News - JAPAN DEFENSE NEWS: Japan To Deploy Interceptors To Counter North Korean Launch

DTN News - JAPAN DEFENSE NEWS: Japan To Deploy Interceptors To Counter North Korean Launch

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 20, 2012: Japan will deploy missile interceptors on a southern island chain ahead of a planned North Korean satellite launch in April, Japanese broadcaster NHK reported on Tuesday.

The Defense Ministry will take preparations including deploying its Aegis-equipped destroyers and the land-based Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missile systems on the Sakishima islands, NHK said.

Defense Minister Naoki Tanaka has earlier warned he may issue orders to shoot down the rocket if it posed a danger to Japan.
Tanaka told parliament he would only act "with the approval of the prime minister."

Last week, North Korea announced plans to launch an earth observation to mark the 100th birthday of its late founding leaderAE Kim Il-sung in April.

The move is seen as a violation of a UN Security Council resolution and has drawn international condemnation. The United States and other countries suspect that the launch is a thinly veiled ballistic missile missile test.

But Pyongyang accused its critics of attempting to encroach on its sovereignty and said it had no intention of cancelling the plans.

Monday, March 19, 2012

DTN News - CHINA HIKES DEFENCE BUDGET: China Massive, Technology-Led Military Buildup And Bully-In-The-Neighborhood Stance Fuels Asian Arms Race

DTN News - CHINA HIKES DEFENCE BUDGET: China Massive, Technology-Led Military Buildup And Bully-In-The-Neighborhood Stance Fuels Asian Arms Race

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 19, 2012: Chinese Paramilitary soldiers train outside their barracks in Beijing on March 19, 2012. 

Military spending in Asia will top that in Europe for the first time this year, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) said in its annual assessment of the strength of the world's armies.

China leads the way in Asia and is engaged in a modernisation programme of its forces and military hardware financed by its rapid economic development. 

DTN News - CHINA HIKES DEFENCE BUDGET: China Massive, Technology-Led Military Buildup And Bully-In-The-Neighborhood Stance Fuels Asian Arms Race

DTN News - CHINA HIKES DEFENCE BUDGET: China Massive, Technology-Led Military Buildup And Bully-In-The-Neighborhood Stance Fuels Asian Arms Race
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 19, 2012: Chinese Paramilitary soldiers train outside their barracks in Beijing on March 19, 2012.

Military spending in Asia will top that in Europe for the first time this year, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) said in its annual assessment of the strength of the world's armies.

China leads the way in Asia and is engaged in a modernisation programme of its forces and military hardware financed by its rapid economic development. 

DTN News - KOREAN PENINSULA NEWS: South Korean Military Officers In Preparation For The Seoul Nuclear Security Summit To Be Held From March 26-27

DTN News - KOREAN PENINSULA NEWS: South Korean Military Officers In Preparation For The Seoul Nuclear Security Summit To Be Held From March 26-27

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 19, 2012: South Korean military officers attend a ceremony to launch a command of ground guard and security units at the capital defence command in Seoul March 19, 2012, in preparation for the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit to be held from March 26-27. South Korea on Monday condemned rival North Korea's planned rocket launch as a "grave provocation", saying it was a disguised attempt to develop a long-range ballistic missile capable of delivering nuclear weapons. 

Seoul also extended a security alert in the capital, and said it was concerned the North might follow the ballistic missile launch with another nuclear test.

DTN News - SYRIA UNREST: Why Syria Won't Get The Libya Treatment From The West

DTN News - SYRIA UNREST: Why Syria Won't Get The Libya Treatment From The West

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 19, 2012: One year ago, on March 19, 2011, Western leaders, alarmed by the disaster unfolding in Libya, voted in the U.N. Security Council to intervene militarily with "all necessary means," arguing that they could not stand by and watch civilians get massacred. As a result of the U.N. resolution, NATO launched a bombing campaign, led by Britain, France and the U.S., and flew about 10,000 bombing sorties over Libya, helping to obliterate Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year dictatorship in just seven months.

So, could it happen in Syria? Probably not, according to two reports out on Monday. Both suggest that the Western powers would face significantly bigger challenges in intervening against President Bashar Assad, both politically and militarily, than they did in Libya. Says the British military think tank Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) in a report marking the anniversary of the U.N. vote: "The Libya intervention took place in a singularly unique moment where the international stars, as it were, were aligned in a set of propitious circumstances."

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: U.S. Forces Provided Security Convoy Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Bases Arrives At Forward Operating Base Bostic In Kunar Province

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: U.S. Forces Provided Security Convoy Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Bases Arrives At Forward Operating Base Bostic In Kunar Province

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 19, 2012: A convoy bringing supplies to U.S. military bases arrives at Forward Operating Base Bostic in Kunar province, eastern Afghanistan March 19, 2012. 

U.S. military forces provided security to a huge convoy that travelled two days from Jalalabad bringing supplies to U.S. military bases in Kunar province near the Pakistan borders.

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: U.S. Army Soldier SSG Chand Anuresh Talks To Afghan Drivers Prior Providing Security To Afghan Drivers Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Near Pakistan Borders

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: U.S. Army Soldier SSG Chand Anuresh Talks To Afghan Drivers Prior Providing Security To Afghan Drivers Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Near Pakistan Borders

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 19, 2012: U.S. Army soldier SSG Chand Anuresh of 325th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry talks to Afghan civilian drivers before the second leg of a mission bringing supplies for U.S. military bases at Forward Operating Base Joyce in Kunar province, eastern Afghanistan March 18, 2012. 

U.S. military forces provided security to a huge convoy that travelled for two days from Jalalabad bringing supplies to U.S. military bases in Kunar province near the Pakistan borders. Picture taken March 18, 2012.

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: U.S. Army Soldier Sergeant Stephanie At Platoon Briefing Prior Providing Security To Afghan Drivers Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Near Pakistan Borders

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: U.S. Army Soldier Sergeant Stephanie At Platoon Briefing Prior Providing Security To Afghan Drivers Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Near Pakistan Borders

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 19, 2012: U.S. Army soldier Sergeant Stephanie of 325th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry talks during a platoon briefing before leaving for the second leg of a mission bringing supplies to U.S. military bases at Forward Operating Base Joyce in Kunar province, eastern Afghanistan March 18, 2012. 

U.S. military forces provided security to a huge convoy that travelled for two days from Jalalabad bringing supplies to U.S. military bases in Kunar province near the Pakistan borders. Picture taken March 18, 2012.

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: U.S. Forces Provided Security To Afghan Drivers Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Bases Near Pakistan Borders

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS:  U.S. Forces Provided Security To Afghan Drivers Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Bases Near Pakistan Borders

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 19, 2012: Afghan drivers wait to leave with U.S. Army soldiers from 325th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry to the second leg of a mission bringing supplies to U.S. military bases at Forward Operating Base Joyce in Kunar province, eastern Afghanistan March 18, 2012. 

U.S. military forces provided security to a huge convoy that travelled for two days from Jalalabad bringing supplies to U.S. military bases in Kunar province near the Pakistan borders. Picture taken March 18, 2012.

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS: U.S. Army Soldier SPC Mike Hains Preparing Prior Providing Security To Afghan Drivers Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Near Pakistan Borders

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR NEWS:  U.S. Army Soldier SPC Mike Hains Preparing Prior Providing Security To Afghan Drivers Bringing Supplies To U.S. Military Near Pakistan Borders

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada – March 19, 2012: U.S. Army soldier SPC Mike Hains of 325th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry carries a machinegun while preparing to go on the second leg of a mission providing security to a convoy bringing supplies at Forward Operating Base Joyce in Kunar province, eastern Afghanistan March 18, 2012. 

U.S. military forces provided security to a huge convoy that travelled for two days from Jalalabad bringing supplies to U.S. military bases in Kunar province near the Pakistan borders. Picture taken March 18, 2012. (Photo - Reuters)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: Canada Bails Out Of NATO Airborne Surveillance Programs

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: Canada Bails Out Of NATO Airborne Surveillance Programs

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 18, 2012: The Canadian Forces hope to save $90 million a year by pulling out of NATO programs operating unmanned aerial vehicles as well as airborne early warning planes, according to documents obtained by the Citizen.

Defence Minister Peter MacKay gave U.S. officials a heads-up last year about the withdrawal, pointing out that it will free up 142 Canadians assigned to NATO for new jobs, the documents show.

The shutdown of Canada’s contribution to NATO’s airborne warning aircraft, known as AWACS, will save about $50 million a year, according to the records obtained under the Access to Information law. Another $40 million a year will be saved as a result of Canada’s withdrawal from NATO’s Alliance Ground Surveillance Program, which would see the purchase of advanced unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct surveillance and intelligence gathering.

Canada has been involved in NATO’s AWACS program for more than 25 years and the aircraft were seen as key to the alliance’s success during the recent war in Libya.

U.S. unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs as they are known in military parlance, were also used to gather intelligence information during the Libyan conflict. NATO wants to ease the strain on the U.S. UAVs by having a pool of Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles at the alliance’s disposal.

Canada’s pull out from the UAV program will be done by the end of April, the Defence Department confirmed in a recent email. The withdrawal from the AWACS program is expected to take much longer.

The Canadian Forces contingent assigned to the AWACS aircraft is the last major Canadian military presence in Europe.

DTN News - CHINA HIKES DEFENCE BUDGET: China Engaging In Military Buildup While US Cuts Forces

DTN News - CHINA HIKES DEFENCE BUDGET: China Engaging In Military Buildup While US Cuts Forces

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 18, 2012: An expert on Communist China says the United States could be making a grave mistake by cutting back on defense spending while China is doing just the opposite.

Beijing recently announced a new defense budget of approximately $106 billion, which equates to an 11.2-percent increase. Cheng says this increase coupled with last years 12.7 percent increase means that China is now spending more on its military than all other Asian nations combined. The new budget comes at a time when the Obama administration, despite calling for a higher priority in Asia, is busily reducing the U.S. defense outlay.

While many critics of defense spending in the United States say that it is larger than the majority of the world, Dean Cheng, a research fellow at the Asian studies Center with The Heritage Foundation  says there are key differences between the two militaries.

“the U.S. is a key enforcer of international norms and safety. It is the American Navy, more than any other, that keeps the world’s sea lanes safe. It is the U.S. Air Force that provides space situational awareness, including conjunction warnings, to all other space-faring nations (including China) and manages the GPS constellation to global benefit—both without charge.”

He goes on to note that by contrast China's military budget is spent almost entirely on Chinese interests. While he acknowledges that with China having the second largest economy in the world it is expected that have a substantial military, and that while the Chinese defense spending increases by themselves should not draw alarm, there are other reasons for concern.

Cheng says there are two aspects of Chinese defense priorities that could spell problems for the United States.

The first thing he says is that the Chinese are focused on countering the US military. "So they buy things like anti-ship ballistic missiles -- which really are of use only against things like American aircraft carriers, but not against, say, Somali pirates," he offers.

Cheng says another advantage the Chinese military has is that it is still more of a local military operating near China rather than maintaining a global presence like the US. This means China can put all of its resources up against only a portion of the US military.

He goes on to note the Chinese Communist Party appears to be taking a more aggressive stance not only against US interests but against its neighbors Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. The government has been making claims of sovereignty over the South and East China seas and expanding its forces opposite Taiwan.

China is not the only military United States should be concerned about. While our military is facing the possibility of close to $1 trillion in cuts over the next 10 years and a reduction of up to one third of our military force, Russia is also engaging on a military buildup.

A 10 year, $640 billion military modernization underway in Russia will include 600 new aircraft, 1000 new choppers and an additional hundred ships added to the Russian Navy including 20 submarines.

By contrast, the Pentagon has said it may be forced to engage in involuntary separations to meet troop reduction goals of 67,100 soldiers form active and reserve Army units, 15,20 from the Marine Corps, 8,600 from the Navy and 1,700 from the Air Force as part of $487 in budget cuts. If Congress is unable to reach targeted spending cuts that were a part of the congressional deal reached during last years debt ceiling debate another $500 billion could be cut from the military budget.