(NSI News Source Info) DALLAS, TX, - June 18, 2010: Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] recently proved in a series of demonstration tests that its
Squad Mission Support System (SMSS) vehicle can perform
detailed logistics tasks without human control. The testing was conducted at the Lockheed Martin facility in Littleton, CO, for several military attendees.The SMSS vehicle performed all autonomous operations flawlessly, including:
• correctly following a road network,
• safely maneuvering through a building complex,
• avoiding obstacles inserted in its path, including mannequins simulating people,
• following a person using only optical tracking, exercising real-time obstacle avoidance, and
• navigating to a person who issued a “come-to-me” command.SMSS also demonstrated its ease of operability in real-time controller-to-controller hand-offs, allowing different operators to take control of the vehicle as it arrived at new locations. Operators also disengaged autonomy and went on board the vehicle to control it manually, showcasing user options in commanding the system.