Saturday, June 4, 2011
DTN News - MALAYSIA DEFENSE NEWS: BAE Systems Inc.’s FNSS Joint Venture Receives $559 Million Award From DEFTECH To Provide AV-8 Vehicles For MAF

Friday, June 3, 2011
DTN News - CHINA DEFENSE NEWS: China's Defense Minister Liang Guanglie And U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates During Meeting At IISS Singapore

DTN News - CHINA DEFENSE NEWS: China And U.S. Meets At IISS Shangri-la Security Summit In Singapore....NSI News Source Info # 2035

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Santa Banta Jokes By BHGSG ~ Funny Pictures....NSI News Source Info # 2034
DTN News - KOREAN DEFENSE NEWS: Boeing Delivers 2 F-15K Slam Eagles To the Republic Of Korea....NSI News Source Info # 2033

DTN News - AFGHAN WAR: Afghan Police And ISAF Soldiers On Guard For Militants Suicide Attack....NSI News Source Info # 2032

DTN News - INDIA DEFENSE NEWS: India To Acquire 16 C-17 Globemaster III Airlifters From U.S.....NSI News Source Info # 2031

DTN News - RUSSIA DEFENSE NEWS: Russia May Buy An-70 Transport Planes By 2012-13....NSI News Source Info # 2030

Russia may start buying Ukrainian-built An-70 propfan military transport aircraft in 2012-2013, deputy commander of the Russian Air Force Maj. Gen. Viktor Bondarev said on
"The plane is undergoing factory tests, and next year it will be tested by [Russian] military pilots," Bondarev said.
A final decision on the purchase of the An-70 will be maid by a state commission on the basis of the tests results, General Bondarev said.
The An-70 is a medium-range propfan-powered military transport plane developed by Ukraine's Antonov design bureau. The Antonov company first tested a prototype An-70 in 1994, but a lack of Ukrainian state funds, and political disputes between Moscow and Kiev have prevented large-scale production of the aircraft.
DTN News - RUSSIA DEFENSE NEWS: Chinese And NATO Arms Better Than Russian?....NSI News Source Info # 2029

Postnikov particularly cracked down on the Russian T-90 tank, which, as he said, "was a 17th modification of the Soviet T-72 tank produced since 1973. According to the official, a tank like that currently costs 118 million rubles ($4 million). "It would be easier for us to purchase three Leopards from Germany for this money," he said.
He did not explain, though, why India prefers to buy one Russian T-90 tank instead of three German Leopards. India plans to use T-90s to replace its outdated T-72 and T-55 tanks. Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Turkmenistan also signed contracts with Russia for the delivery of such machines, but Mr. Postnikov disregarded that too.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
How babies will be born in future....By Funny Pictures....NSI News Source Info # 2028

DTN News - PAKISTAN NEWS: A Fearless Journalist Who Died In The Relentless Pursuit Of News....News Source Info # 2027

The death of Shahzad, who was buried on June 1 in Pakistan's southern seaport city of Karachi, has prompted journalists to protest across Pakistan. Moreover, it has even resulted in a government order allowing journalists to carry firearms to protect themselves.
Numerous questions are being asked; about the life and work of Shahzad, and why someone would want him killed.
Shahzad was known for his investigative reports about terrorism and security issues. He was the Pakistan bureau chief for the Hong Kong-based "Asia Times Online" and also wrote for Adnkronos International -- an Italian news agency.
DTN News - INDIA NEWS: Another Hawk Anti-Corruption Crusader Baba Ramdev Taking Government By Storm....NSI News Source Info # 2026

DTN News - LOCKHEED MARTIN DEFENSE NEWS: NASA, Lockheed & Ball Team Complete On-Orbit Orion MPCV Navigation System Test During STS-134 Shuttle Mission

In an unprecedented on-orbit maneuver, Commander Mark Kelly completed the first ever Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV)-like approach to the International Space Station at 3:24 a.m. CDT today as part of the Sensor Test for Orion Relative Navigation Risk Mitigation (STORRM). The orbital rendezvous verified the successful operation of the MPCV’s next generation docking sensor, which NASA has identified as a critical technology needed for future space exploration missions.
The NASA, Lockheed Martin [NYSE:LMT] and Ball Aerospace [NYSE: BLL] team worked closely with STS-134 Mission Specialist Andrew Feustel to successfully complete the on-orbit test of this system which will make rendezvous and docking maneuvers safer for future spacecraft. The flight test represented the first and only opportunity for in-flight collaboration of NASA’s three human spaceflight programs -- space shuttle, International Space Station and Orion MPCV.
DTN News - NASA NEWS: Why NASA Chose Potentially Threatening Asteroid For New Mission....NSI News Source Info # 2024

The mission's leaders spent a long time surveying possible destinations for the mission, and finally settled on 1999 RQ36. NASA calls the mission OSIRIS-Rex, which is short for Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer.
"We went through a whole series of selection criteria," OSIRIS-Rex's deputy principal investigator Dante Lauretta, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona, told SPACE.com. "There are over 500,000 asteroids known. [1999 RQ36] looks really optimum." [Video: The OSIRIS-Rex Mission to 1999 RQ36]
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
DTN News - ISRAEL DEFENSE NEWS: Israel's Borders And National Security....NSI News Source Info # 2023

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said May 30 that Israel could not prevent the United Nations from recognizing a Palestinian state, in the sense of adopting a resolution on the subject. Two weeks ago, U.S. President Barack Obama, in a speech, called on Israel to return to some variation of its pre-1967 borders.
The practical significance of these and other diplomatic evolutions in relation to Israel is questionable. Historically, U.N. declarations have had variable meanings, depending on the willingness of great powers to enforce them. Obama’s speech on Israel, and his subsequent statements, created enough ambiguity to make exactly what he was saying unclear. Nevertheless, it is clear that the diplomatic atmosphere on Israel is shifting.
DTN News - GERMAN DEFENSE NEWS: Iran Blocks Merkel's Plane Enroute To India....NSI News Source Info # 2022

DTN News - INDIA DEFENSE NEWS: Russia Delivers Another Batch Of Naval Fighters To India....NSI News Source Info # 2021

Monday, May 30, 2011
Who is the luckiest man in this Universe? By Funny Pictures....NSI News Source Info # 2020

DTN News - YEMEN DEFENSE NEWS: Yemeni Air force Bombs al-Qaida-Held City....NSI News Source Info # 2019

DTN News - GERMANY DEFENSE NEWS: Germany Wants Nuclear Exit By 2022 At Latest....NSI News Source Info # 2018

DTN News - SARAH PALIN NEWS: Sarah Palin Attends Biker Meeting At Pentagon Paking Lot....NSI News Source Info # 2017

DTN News - SARAH PALIN NEWS: Sarah Palin - Former Alaska Governor And 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate On Harley-Davidsons During M D Parade

DTN News - PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA NEWS: Obama Returns To White House From Tornado Hit Area Joplin Missouri....NSI News Source Info # 2015

Sunday, May 29, 2011
DTN News - LOCKHEED MARTIN DEFENSE NEWS: Lockheed Martin Hit By Unspecified Cyber Incident....NSI News Source Info # 2014