President Ma Ying-jeou Renews Call For US Fighter Jet Sale....
Pictures of The Day....Speaks For Itself By NSI News Source Info
The Super Hornet Block II is the Navy's frontline strike fighter, deploying leading-edge technology and multirole strike capability around the globe. The EA-18G is now the premier airborne electronic attack platform in the Navy's arsenal and the United States' newest tactical aircraft, providing the ability to block enemy radar and electronic systems.
"The Super Hornet and Growler, both combat-deployed, have continuously increased capability for the warfighter while reducing cost for the Navy and the taxpayer," F/A-18 and EA-18 Programs Vice President Kory Mathews said at the ceremony. "Boeing has delivered every F/A-18E/F and EA-18G to the U.S. Navy on budget and ahead of schedule."
"Today is another significant milestone for a program that has by any measure exceeded expectations for cost, schedule and performance," said Capt. Mark Darrah, F/A-18 and EA-18G program manager (PMA-265). "The PMA-265/Hornet Industry Team has consistently delivered capable and reliable aircraft to our fleet customer."
The F/A-18E/F and EA-18G will operate from U.S. Navy aircraft carriers through 2035 and beyond, with the flexibility to seamlessly operate from land-based airfields.
"These aircraft were designed with extensive growth capacity, enabling evolutionary technology to be added throughout the life of the aircraft to expand capabilities and remain well ahead of changing threats," said Mathews.
Bulgaria plans to spend up to 2 billion levs ($1.5 billion) on buying and maintaining military equipment by 2020, Defence Minister Anyo Angelov said on Thursday.
Bulgaria -- a NATO and European Union member -- envisages buying fighter aircraft so it can secure its airspace within the alliance's integrated system for anti-missile defence.
The ministry, which has sent letters of interest to the U.S., France, Germany and Sweden about the purchase of eight new or used fighter aircraft, has already received an offer from Saab for its Gripen jets.
Next week, the Defence Ministry will meet representatives of European aerospace and defence group EADS and the U.S. government, Angelov said.
It also expects to receive a response from France's Dassault Aviation and Lockheed Martin Corp.
Angelov has previously said the tender for the fighter jet purchase will take place in 2012.
The Defence Ministry plans to allocate 1.5 percent of annual gross domestic product from its budget to fund the programme, which also envisages the modernisation of its MiG-29 fighters.
It may cost as much as $1 trillion to operate the military’s fleet ofLockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) F-35 aircraft for several decades, according to a preliminary Pentagon estimate sent to Congress.
The figure is 9.3 percent more than the $915 billion estimate by the Defense Department in its 2009 Selected Acquisition Report to Congress.
The long-term cost estimate, which includes inflation, was submitted to Congress on April 15 in a report obtained by Bloomberg News. It assumes 8,000 hours of flying time for each of the 2,443 aircraft over a 30-year period. The Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have their own variations of the aircraft, with the last in the fleet to be produced in 2035.
The estimate was calculated by the Pentagon’s independent cost analysis group based on models using historical data from other fighters, David Van Buren, Air Force service acquisition executive, said in an interview today.
“We are taking the challenge” posed by the $1 trillion estimate and “saying we’ve got to drive this down fast,” said Van Buren, who oversees F-35 management. “Do we drive down it down based on reliability projections? Do we drive it down based on technologies that we developed for the F-35” that reflect lessons learned from the F-22, he said?
For example, the latest estimate assumes that F-35 components will break more frequently than older aircraft, he said. The Pentagon is trying to develop “a more refined number,” he said.
The $1 trillion estimate is in addition to an estimated $382 billion in development and production costs.
The long-term maintenance estimates were projected based on costs incurred to support the military’s fleet of F-16s, F/A- 18s, and AV-8B Harrier jets, the Pentagon said in its report
Almost all government, analyst and media attention on the Pentagon’s biggest program has focused on cost growth and technical issues in the $54 billion systems-engineering phase.
Coalition efforts in northern Afghanistan have become more relevant over the past year with the addition of new capabilities from U.S. forces, the top commander for the NATO International Security Assistance Force element in the region said today.
"I see a huge difference when I compare to 2006," Maj. Gen. Markus Kneip of the German army, commander of Regional Command North, told Pentagon reporters in a video news conference from his headquarters in Afghanistan. "The capabilities are far more relevant to the job, [and] the incorporation of U.S. forces is making a [positive] change."
Kneip held the same post in 2006. He commands about 12,000 troops from 16 nations, including some 6,000 U.S. soldiers, mostly from the 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team from Baumholder, Germany, and the 4th Infantry Division's 4th Combat Aviation Brigade from Fort Carson, Colo. The addition of U.S. forces there last spring with their much-needed aviation assets improved aerial surveillance and provided attack helicopter and medical evacuation capabilities that have made a big difference, the general said.
"When U.S. troops arrived, [Regional Command North] became more active," the general said. "Special operations forces are really [making] a difference, [and] conventional forces take no breaks and are doing a great job every day."
The face of the fight, in terms of capabilities, changed drastically, Kneip's deputy commander, U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Sean P. Mulholland, added.
The number of Taliban and other insurgents in the area has been reduced a great deal, Mulholland said. Twelve senior Taliban leaders are gone, he added, due to the pressure placed on them by the U.S. capabilities, as well as through combined operations with Afghan forces, which are becoming more confident with each mission.
The US military's top officer, Adm Mike Mullen, has accused Pakistan's spy agency of having links with militants targeting troops in Afghanistan.
WASHINGTON, April 21, 2011: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said the comprehensive defense review he plans to launch soon will ensure any further defense budget cuts are based on a well-thought-out analysis of the consequences of decisions made.
Gates said he does not know exactly how much of the additional $400 billion that President Barack Obama seeks to cut from national security program budgets between now and 2023 will come from DOD. The secretary said he's gratified that Obama has agreed to wait for the findings of a comprehensive DOD review before making specific budgetary decisions.
"I want to frame this so that options and consequences and risks are taken into account as budget decisions are made, first by the president, and then by the Congress," Gates said. "What I hope to do is frame this in a way that says, 'If you want to cut this number of dollars, here are the consequences for force structure. Here are your choices in terms of capabilities that will be reduced or investments that are not made. And here are the consequences of this.'"
The budget review "needs to be a process that is driven by the analysis," the secretary said, "and where it is about risk management with respect to future national security threats and challenges as well as missions that our elected officials decide we should not have to perform or can't perform any more because we don't have the resources."
Gates said he has had just one meeting to begin thinking about ways to conduct the review, and has not yet decided on an approach. One suggested approach, he said, would begin with the Quadrennial Defense Review and to consider the implications of scaling back or eliminating specific missions.
WASHINGTON, April 21, 2011: President Barack Obama has approved the use of armed predator strikes in the international fight against Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's regime, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said today.
"The president has said that where we have some unique capabilities, he is willing to use those," Gates said. "In fact, he has approved the use of armed predators [in Libya]."
Armed predators have been used in Libya "purely as [intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems] until today," Cartwright said.
Two unmanned armed predators capable of around-the-clock coverage are now in Libya, the general added. The first flights launched today but were cancelled because of bad weather.
The character of the fight in Libya has changed, Cartwright said. Gadhafi loyalists, he said, are digging in or "nestling up against crowded areas" to avoid being targeted by NATO aircraft.
The more-precise predators bring "their ability to get down lower and therefore, to be able to get better visibility, particularly on targets that have started to dig themselves into defensive positions," Cartwright said.
The aircraft are uniquely suited for urban areas where more traditional bombing can cause collateral damage, he added.
"This is a very limited capability," Gates said, adding that the president has been clear from the outset that the U.S. role would be specifically defined.
Obama structured the U.S. role in Libya as a limited one because "of all our friends and allies, we are the most-stretched military," Gates added.
Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, has arrived in Islamabad to conduct talks with Pakistan's army chief, as tensions continue to run high between the two countries regarding America's role in the region.
The admiral's trip on Wednesday comes after a visit to Afghanistan a day earlier, where he told reporters he would raise ongoing concerns regarding militancy in both Pakistan and Afghanistan with General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, the Pakistani army chief.
Some of Asia’s aerospace industries are starting work on fifth-generation fighter aircraft. Despite huge technological hurdles, these countries could displace Western Europe as a leading centre of fighter jet development, and possibly one day give the United States some real competition in global markets.
FOR CENTURIES, North America and Europe have dominated the state-of-the-art when it comes to military technology. Nearly all the great breakthroughs in weaponry – from muskets to missiles – have originated there. And perhaps no field of military technology has been more consistently and overwhelmingly the purview of the occidental West than fighter jets.
Since the end of World War II, a handful of countries in the West – basically, the United States, the USSR/Russia, Britain, France, and Sweden – have controlled the global fighter jet industry. Many countries have tried to break into this business: Argentina in the 1950s, Egypt and India in the 1960s, Israel and South Africa in the 1980s; none were particularly successful, and some – such as the Indian HF-24 Marut – were spectacular failures. Even today, perhaps 90 percent of all fighter jets flown by all the world’s air forces are produced by these five countries, or are based on copies of their planes (such as the Chinese J-7 fighter, a virtual clone of the venerable Soviet MiG-21).
President Ma Ying-jeou Renews Call For US Fighter Jet Sale....
President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday renewed his call on Washington to sell Taiwan F-16C/D aircraft, while a Coast Guard Administration official announced “rigorous combat training” for coast guard personnel in the South China Sea.
During a meeting with US Representative Dan Burton, a Republican, at the Presidential Office, Ma said he hoped the US government would support Taiwan’s request “so that we can replace the old fleet and maintain the national defense capability of our country.”
Burton arrived in Taipei on a six-day visit on Sunday. He is the chairman of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia and a former co-chair of the US Congressional Taiwan Caucus.
The first of the RAF's future strategic tanker aircraft (FSTA) arrived in the UK for the first time today. The UK's largest ever military aircraft will be known as 'Voyager'.
With a 60m wingspan, and measuring nearly 60m from nose to tail, Voyager, a dual role air-to-air tanker and transport aircraft based around the Airbus A330 airframe, will replace the long-serving VC-10 and Tristar fleet; with the first due in service by the end of
the year.
The new aircraft will bring a considerable capability boost, each able to carry 291 troops over 6,000 miles, and to refuel other aircraft, in flight, from a 100,000 litre reservoir - greater than that of two large petrol tankers.
India is planning to procure eight new South Korean minesweepers for its Navy to augment its fleet of warships capable of detonating sea mines.
The Navy is also considering procuring two American used Osprey-class minesweepers, navy officials said here.
“Defence Ministry is holding commercial negotiations with the Kangnam Corporation of South Korea for procuring eight minesweepers of which two would be constructed at the vendors’ shipyards and the rest would be built in India,” they said.
At present, the Navy operates 12 minesweepers of the Pondicherry and Karwar class that are deployed in equal numbers along the Eastern and the Western sea board.
The warships were built in the 1970s and 1980s and the Navy is planning to replace them with the modern vessels.
KABUL, Afghanistan
Twelve Iranian engineers and five of their Afghan colleagues were kidnapped by Taliban gunmen on Monday in a remote region of Afghanistan near its border with Iran, local officials and the Iranian government said.
The men, who were working on a road construction project, were snatched at gunpoint in the Post-i-Road district of Farah province, which borders Iran, provincial government spokesman Naqibullah Farahi told AFP.
Tehran confirmed the abduction of 12 Iranians, while the Afghan provincial authorities had earlier said the number was ten.
"We are closely following the issue," said Ramin Mehmanparast, spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, quoted by the website of Iran's state broadcaster.
The Afghan embassy in Tehran will press the "Kabul authorities to exercise their responsibilities with regard to Iranian nationals and to take firm and swift action on this kidnapping," he added.
Taliban spokesman Yusuf Ahmadi told AFP by telephone that the insurgent group had no knowledge of the kidnapping, although the rebels have been responsible for similar abductions in the past.
Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said the Afghan authorities had been asked to take "firm and swift action" on the abductions, the state television website reported.
Farah is a remote province which borders Iran and faces significant Taliban activity.
The abduction is the latest in a series of kidnappings of Afghan and foreign nationals in Afghanistan since a US-led invasion ousted Taliban in 2001.
Britain said Tuesday it is sending military advisers to help organise Libyan rebels, even as western powers denied they could soon break their taboo against putting foreign boots on the ground.
The announcement came as France strongly warned against sending any coalition troops into Libya, where a two-month revolt against Moamer Kadhafi's regime has stalled and civilian casualties are mounting.
Foreign Secretary William Hague insisted the addition of about 12 military advisers to Britain's diplomatic team in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi did not breach a UN resolution authorising air strikes against Kadhafi's forces.
"They're not boots on the ground, this is not British ground combat forces going in... There is going to be no ground invasion of Libya," Hague told BBC television.
Hague said the British advisers would not arm or train the rebels, but would help them develop organisational structures, communications and logistics and coordinating humanitarian aid and medical supplies.
"They're people with the expertise in those sorts of things. They're not there, I stress, to train fighting forces, to arm fighting forces or of course to take part in any fighting themselves," he added.
The rebels "clearly lack that organisational experience and, yes, we do think that with that experience they will be able to save lives, in Ajdabiya, perhaps in Misrata," he said.
With thousands clamouring to escape the besieged rebel city of Misrata, Britain said it would charter ships to pick up 5,000 migrant workers after a ferry rescued nearly 1,000 on Monday.
In Paris, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said Tuesday that he was "entirely hostile" to the idea of sending coalition ground troops into Libya -- even special forces to guide air strikes.
RAAF C-17s supported relief efforts to earthquake- and tsunami-affected regions in Japan under Operation PACIFIC ASSIST for nearly two weeks in March. The RAAF delivered personnel and more than 1 million pounds of cargo -- including food and water, vehicles, disaster relief equipment, and pumps to help cool the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Weeks earlier, the RAAF supported relief efforts in Christchurch, New Zealand, following an earthquake there, and to several communities in Queensland, Australia, that were affected by flooding.
"Boeing thanks the RAAF, a C-17 customer since 2006, for its confidence in the airlifter's capabilities," said Bob Ciesla, C-17 program manager for Boeing. "We salute the RAAF and its crews, who helped save lives in Japan, Australia and New Zealand. We are proud to serve as their partner."
Due to the RAAF's immediate need for an additional airlifter, the U.S. Air Force has approved Australia’s request to take delivery of its fifth C-17 in August. The airlifter will be assigned to RAAF Base Amberley’s 36 Squadron, near Brisbane.
The C-17 can transport large payloads across vast ranges, land on short, austere runways, and operate in extreme climates. It is the only airlifter that possesses both tactical and strategic capabilities. Boeing provides support to the RAAF's C-17s through the C-17 Globemaster III Sustainment Partnership, a Performance-Based Logistics program that includes an extensive support network.
CBY Design Bulders, A Joint Venture of CDM, Brasfield & Gorrie, and Yates Construction, New Orleans, La., was awarded a $674,998,555 firm-fixed-price contract April 13, 2011. The award will provide for the permanent canal closures and pumps along the 17th street, Orleans Avenue, and London Avenue Outfall Canals at or near Lake Pontchartrain, Orleans and Jefferson Parishes, La. Work will be completed in Jefferson Parish, La., and Orleans Parish, La., with an estimated completion date of Sep. 30, 2014. The bid was solicited through the Internet with seven bids received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Contracting Division, New Orleans, La., is the contracting activity (W912P8-11-C-0035).
Ahtna Facility Services, Incorporated, Anchorage, Alaska, was awarded a $10,115,467 firm-fixed-price contract April 13, 2011. The award will provide for the continuation of hospital housekeeping services. Work will be performed in Fort Sam Houston, Texas, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 31, 2011. One bid was solicited with one bid received. The U.S. Army Medical Command, Southern Regional Contracting Office, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, is the contracting activity (W81K04-10-D-0006).
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - April 17, 2011: Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara's Republican Forces (FRCI) and French soldiers of the Operation Licorne (Unicorn) patrol in the first infantry battalion military camp left by former strongman Laurent Gbagbo's Defense and security Forces on April 17, 2011 in Abidjan. (Photo - Getty Images)