Friday, August 5, 2011
DTN News - CHINA DEFENSE NEWS: China, Russia Discuss Military Cooperation

Thursday, August 4, 2011
DTN News - U. S. DEFENSE NEWS: Bell Boeing Submits V-22 Osprey Multiyear II Contract Proposal....NSI News Source Info # 2292

The five-year, fixed-price incentive proposal would provide the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) with the full complement of Ospreys outlined in the Department of Defense program of record and yield double-digit percentage savings over a single-year procurement strategy. In addition, the proposal will fortify Osprey production through 2019.
DTN News - DUTCH EAST INDIES: Dutch Colony That Became Modern Indonesia ~ Part Of Our Roots....NSI News Source Info # 2291

DTN News - CHINA DEFENSE NEWS: China Says Japan Defence Paper 'Irresponsible'.....NSI News Source Info # 2290

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
DTN News - WHITE HOUSE NEWS: DTN News Congratulates U.S. President Barack Obama On His 50th Birthday....God Bless Him & God Bless America

DTN News - U.S. FINANCIAL CRISIS OVER?: Default Avoided But Fears On Economy Remain....NSI News Source Info # 2288

The United States stepped back from the brink of default on Tuesday but congressional approval of a last-ditch deficit-cutting plan failed to dispel fears of a credit downgrade and future tax and spending feuds.
Nevertheless, U.S. stocks tumbled, turning negative for the year, as investors shifted their attention to the increasingly grim state of the U.S. economy and the potential for a downgrade of America's gold-plated debt rating.
That risk grew when one of the three major ratings agencies said it was affirming the U.S. government's AAA-rated sovereign debt but slapping it with a negative outlook.
The announcement by Moody's Investors Service after U.S. markets closed could lead to a downgrade within 12 to 18 months. That could raise borrowing costs for U.S. companies and consumers as the economy risks slipping back into recession.
The Senate's approval by 74-26 votes of the $2.1 trillion deficit-reduction plan warded off the immediate specter of a catastrophic U.S. debt default. The bill passed the Republican-controlled House of Representatives on Monday.
Obama immediately signed it into law, lifting the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling with just hours to spare before the government was due to run out of money to pay all its bills.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated August 2, 2011....NSI News Source Info # 2287

Analytical Services, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. (W56HZV-11-A-AA01); DCS Corp., Alexandria, Va. (W56HZV-11-A-AA02); Science Applications International Corp., McLean, Va. (W56HZV-11-A-AA03); Tolliver Group, Inc., Winter Park, Fla. (W56HZV-11-A-AA04); VT Aepco, Inc., Gaithersburg, Md. (W56HZV-11-A-AA06); and O’Neil & Associates, Inc., Miamisburg, Ohio (W56HZV-11-A-AA07), were awarded a $225,000,000 firm-fixed-price level-of-effort multiple-award-task-order contract between 16 vendors. The award will provide for white collar professional services. Work location will be determined with each task order, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 31, 2012. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with 10 bids received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity.
AM General, L.L.C., Mishawaka, Ind., was awarded a $199,835,000 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the procurement of 8,500 various power packs for the High Mobility Wheeled Vehicle Program. Work location will be determined with each delivery order, with an estimated completion date of July 31, 2013. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with five bids received. The Directorate for Contracting, Red River Army Depot, Texarkana, Texas, is the contracting activity (W911RQ-11-D-0019).
Monday, August 1, 2011
DTN News - PAKISTAN DEFENSE NEWS: Pakistan US Relations Downhill - China Relation Uphill....NSI News Source Info # 2286

U.S. being preoccupied with its debt crisis during entire month of July, 2011 was unable to entertain ISI Head, Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha’s US visit and withheld $800 million economy and military aid with some exceptions.
The U.S. decision to defer nearly $800 million in counterterrorism funding to Pakistan in recent weeks was a necessary step, given the ejection of U.S. military trainers from Pakistan, ongoing concerns over the misuse of U.S. aid dollars, and mounting evidence of Pakistani complicity with insurgent groups.
It is believed on
General Ahmad Shuja Pasha's return from U.S.,
and unable regain the flow of U.S. aid with Washington, the Pakistani
displeased and
took some retaliatory actions against Obama
administration with immediate effect for CIA to close shop and imposed restrictions on American embassy staff
movements in Pakistan. The top US military chief warned that US-Pakistan military-to-military ties were at a “very difficult” crossroads, allowing that a path to progress on that front was not yet clear.
DTN News - LOCKHEED MARTIN DEFENSE NEWS: U.S. Army Selects Lockheed Martin’s SMSS Autonomous Vehicle For Afghanistan Deployment....NSI # 2285

The U.S. Army Rapid Equipping Force, through the Robotics Technology Consortium, selected the Lockheed Martin [NYSE:LMT] Squad Mission Support System (SMSS) to deploy to Afghanistan for a first-of-its-kind military assessment. SMSS will deploy as the winner of the Project Workhorse Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) competition sponsored by the Army.
The largest autonomous vehicle ever to be deployed with infantry, the 11-foot-long SMSS can carry more than half-a-ton of a squad’s equipment on rugged terrain, easing the individual soldier’s burden, which can often exceed 100 pounds.
“SMSS is the result of more than a decade of robotic technology development, and we welcome the opportunity to demonstrate this capability in theater, where it can have an immediate impact at the squad level,” said Scott Greene, vice president of ground vehicles in Lockheed Martin’s Missiles and Fire Control business. “The Army has tested the system’s capabilities in three domestic user assessments, and SMSS has been deemed ready to deploy.”
DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated August 1, 2011....NSI News Source Info # 2284

Oshkosh Corp., Oshkosh, Wis., was awarded a $904,184,088 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract to procure 6,963 Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles. Work will be performed in Oshkosh, Wis., with an estimated completion date of June 30, 2013. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with three bids received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-09-D-0159).
Hellfire Systems, L.L.C., Orlando, Fla., was awarded a $159,018,990 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the procurement of 3,097 Hellfire missiles in containers; 16 Hellfire II guidance test articles; and engineering, equipment, and production services. Work will be performed in Orlando, Fla., with an estimated completion date of Sept. 30, 2014. One sole-source bid was solicited, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is the contracting activity (W31P4Q-11-C-0242).Olin Corp., East Alton, Ill., was awarded a $29,372,473 firm-fixed-price with economic price adjustment contract. The award will provide for the procurement of 5.56mm, 7.62mm, and .50 small caliber ammunition. Work will be performed in East Alton, Ill., with an estimated completion date of March 31, 2017. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with two bids received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island, Ill., is the contracting activity (W52P1J-11-C-0038).
DTN News - OSHKOSH DEFENSE NEWS: Oshkosh Defense To Deliver Nearly 7000 Additional FMTV Trucks And Trailers To The U.S. Army....NSI # 2283

The FMTV supports Army and National Guard units at home and abroad in combat operations, relief efforts, unit-resupply missions and other functions. The FMTV is a series of 17 models ranging from 2.5-ton to 10-ton payloads. Vehicles have a parts commonality of more than 80 percent, resulting in streamlined maintenance, training, sustainment and overall cost efficiency.
Oshkosh has more than 90 years of experience mobilizing the U.S. military, and the company is the only supplier of the Army’s medium and heavy tactical wheeled vehicle fleets. Oshkosh incorporated its rigorous quality checks and production standards into its work on the FMTV program to ensure delivery of high-quality trucks and trailers.
This is the latest order under the five-year FMTV contract awarded to Oshkosh Defense for the production of trucks and trailers, as well as support services and training, through calendar year 2015. The order is valued at more than $904 million and deliveries are scheduled to be completed in June 2013.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
DTN News - CHINA DEFENSE NEWS: Deadly Violence Hits China's Restive Xinjiang....NSI News Source Info # 2282

DTN News - CHINA NEWS: China's Peacekeeping Squad Leaves For Liberia....NSI News Source Info # 2281