DTN News - SPECIAL REPORT: F-20 - Chengdu, China's Fourth Generation Fighter Aircraft Successful Maiden Flight! ! !.....NSI News Source Info # 1528
**NOTE - Chinese consider F-20 as a humble fourth generation and not fifth generation fighter aircraft as per captioned by author Airforceworld.com
Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources Airforceworld.com

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - January 31, 2011: Recently, the global media were preoccupied with China's new aeronautical technology, surprising and shocking the world with Chengdu J-XX Fifth Generation Stealth Fighter Jet (known as J-20), the American were inquisitive and Defense Secretary Robert Gates headed to Beijing for talks, voices hope that the U.S. will be able to persuade Chinese military leaders to cut back on their pursuit of advanced weaponry.
Here are some extract information on J-20 J-XX Fifth Generation Stealth Fighter Jet from China Chengdu Aerospace forum.
The entire flight process is accompanied by F-10S accomplished trainer battle, which lasted about 18 minutes, a success.
Successfully completed its first flight in the F--20 after landing, a flight test off the site cheers, crowd outside the airport also suffered a sensational fireworks. Thus, the landmark 18 minutes to complete the Chinese J-20 stealth fighters to the reality from the legend of gorgeous turn.
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