(NSI News Source Info) KOTTAKKAL, Kerala, India - October 23, 2011: The jury is still out over whether Joseph Stalin was a great statesman or a great dictator. A Bolshevik revolutionary who participated in the October Revolution along with Vladimir Lenin, he became the Premier of the Soviet Union. He established the USSR as a redoubtable wartime power for subduing the Nazis and in the postwar years made the Soviet Union a nuclear-capable superpower. Despite his ambitious reforms and industrialization drives, he drove thousands of people to forced labor camps and executed political opponents. After Stalin died, his legacy was renounced by his successors.
“As you sow, so you reap,” the Book says. They lived life large but came to ignominious and wretched ends. Here’s a look at the world’s greatest dictators of the 20th and 21st centuries.
This series on WORLD DICTATORS have been inspired by the latest episode of Libya's strong man / dictator Muammar Gaddafi ends/dies in such a horrible fashion, but it was his Karmas, he could have avoided this horric incident to occur by stepping down like Egypt's ex-President Mubarak. But Gaddafi thougt he was invisible and ending up like a rat in a drainage system as he was calling his opposition Libyan - rats. It shows, one must be careful accusing others as there is a saying "if you accuse or point a finger on other entity, the rest three fingers point back at you". The moral of this note in general is "RESPECT OTHERS and BE RESPECTED".
Most of the dictators (to follow up) during the 21st century would end the chapter of their life in similar circumstances alike Muammar Gaddafi, as they are unable to accept the changes with time and reality of life.
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