DTN News - DSEi NEWS: Oshkosh Defense Marks 10 Years Of HET Service To The U.K. MoD
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - September 14, 2011: The Oshkosh Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) has become an integral vehicle for U.K. military logistics operations since its introduction in 2001, providing a highly survivable platform for U.K. Forces and transporting some of the heaviest equipment used in combat. Oshkosh Defense, a division of Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK), today commemorated the 10th anniversary of fielding its first HET to the U.K. Ministry of Defence (MoD) at Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEi) 2011 in London.
“The HET has proven to be a very successful addition to the MoD’s fleet since its introduction 10 years ago,” said Serge Buchakjian, senior vice president of International Programs for Oshkosh Defense. “The HET has delivered exceptional survivability to protect passengers from roadside bombs and other threats in Iraq and Afghanistan. The vehicle also has proven highly reliable, transporting equipment and crews wherever they’re needed for arrival in a high state of readiness.”
The original HET contract for 92 vehicles was awarded to Oshkosh through Fasttrax which is owned by KBR and Barclays Infrastructure Fund, as part of a 20-year private finance initiative. Fasttrax owns, operates and maintains the HET for the MoD. Oshkosh also has provided aftermarket support, including training, parts supply and in-theater maintenance support.
"KBR is delighted to be celebrating the 10th anniversary of this pathfinder contract,” said Derek Brown, managing director KBR FTX Logistics Ltd. “Thanks to the strong partnership with Oshkosh, KBR delivered on time, on budget and continues to meet all contract expectations."
The U.K. HET is paired with the King Trailer GTS 100 semi-trailer and can transport main battle tanks, armored vehicles and self-propelled guns. In addition to its primary mission as a heavy equipment mover, U.K. Forces have used the HET in recovery functions when wreckers were not available. The vehicle has a 72-ton payload capacity and a six-person cab, and uses a 700-horsepower engine.
Oshkosh also has delivered HETs to armed forces in the U.S., United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Greece. The HET is part of Oshkosh’s full range of high-quality military vehicles and aftermarket solutions for international forces.
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