ORLANDO, FL, - March 28, 2011: The U.S. Army’s Joint Attack Munition Systems (JAMS) Project Office and Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] successfully fired a multipurpose AGM 114R HELLFIRE II “Romeo” missile with a live warhead and penetrated a brick-over-block target in its sixth proof-of-principle (POP) test.
The flight test, at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., demonstrated the Romeo’s enhanced software capability and superior performance in a military-operations-in-urban-terrain scenario. The new Romeo’s multipurpose warhead design enables the missile, with a designator spot laser, to seek out and defeat hard, soft and enclosed targets with outstanding success. The initial fielding of the HELLFIRE II Romeo is scheduled for late 2012.
“The AGM-114R baseline design is now defined and allows us to go into system qualification,” said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Mike Brown, HELLFIRE Systems product manager at JAMS. “The R model remains on cost and on schedule, and meets all performance objectives.”
Engineers ground-launched the single HELLFIRE II Romeo missile in a lock-on-after-launch mode, simulating the missile being fired from a rotary-wing platform. The short-range (2.5 kilometer) high-speed impact shot penetrated the brick-over-block target and successfully detonated with the specified fuze delay.
This was the final POP test for this next-generation precision missile. The Romeo’s advanced fuze technology and new warhead design performed flawlessly in test flights, proving reduced risk through system performance. Additionally, Lockheed Martin’s Joint-Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) incorporates the same warhead technology and fuze design that is present in the HELLFIRE II Romeo.
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