Following are latest available details of Western military operations in Libya.
* The following NATO countries are participating in the alliance's operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR: Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Romania, Spain, Sw
eden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Britain, United States.
* NATO forces have a total of about 195 aircraft at their disposal.
* Since NATO assumed command of Western military operations in Libya, its aircraft have made 1,434 sorties, including 587 intended as strike missions. On April 8, it conducted 156 sorties and 60 strike missions. Not all strike sorties have led to targets being hit.
* Eighteen vessels are patrolling the Mediterranean to enforce a U.N.-mandated arms embargo. Twenty-two vessels were stopped by NATO forces on April 8 to determine what they were carrying and their destination; no boardings were conducted.
Nearly 170 vessels have been halted and six boardings conducted since the beginning of arms embargo operations.
* On Saturday, forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi shelled the western outskirts of the rebel-held town of Ajdabiyah as fighting erupted again on the eastern front.
* The rebels said they intended to take Brega on Saturday and some had penetrated the outskirts.
* The Red Cross said on Saturday it was extending its activities to western Libya, as a ship loaded with medical supplies docked in the besieged port city of Misrata and its aid workers made their way to Zawiyah.
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